Virtual Learning Labs

St. Meyer & Hubbard is dedicated to providing the best sales and industry-related resources possible. Bestselling authors, banking experts and sales authorities join us each quarter contributing ideas that can take your culture to the next level. Timely topics are presented in a fast-paced, one hour format and archived here to provide ongoing review and knowledge.

The Light at the End: Strategies to Rebuild Your Business Model

This too shall pass. When is certainly in question. If, is not. The time to develop strategies to employ when we come back into the light is NOW. Three experts share what to do, how to do it and how to accomplish it all with trust. We discussed the role of Executives and financial services leaders in this effort. We provided practical ideas for Chief Marketing Officers. We discussed how to deepen relationships with consumer and business clients through trust-based conversations and interactions. CEOs, Senior Executives to Branch Manager. Banks and Credit Unions. Big and Small. Urban and Rural. There’s something here for everyone because we’re all in this together.

How to Build & Deepen Relationships on LinkedIn During Quarantine

In this time of uncertainty, financial services professionals are asking about when and how to reach out and engage with their network. The answer is simple. It’s NOW. This crisis will pass, and it is the proactive and value-focused banks and credit unions that will emerge with both mind share and share of heart. In this webinar, Brynne Tillman will introduce practical activities that can help you build and deepen relationships with prospects, customers, COIs and your network, especially while we are all hunkered down.

What’s The Deal With Small Business Banking?

Bob Neuhaus, Senior Consultant at J.D. Power Financial Services Practice and Julie Kleffel, Executive Vice President, Small Business Banking at Seacoast Bank start off our 2018 Virtual Learning Labs with What’s The Deal With Small Business Banking. They discuss bank satisfaction – on the rise or decline and why, what account managers mean to the partnership, net promoter scores and the client experience, levering data to target small business growth as well as the importance of delivering business insights to your customers and prospects and much more.

Small Business…Finding, Touching, Partnering

Jack Hubbard, Chief Experience Officer, St. Meyer & Hubbard, wraps up our first Virtual Learning Lab of 2018 with a look at what one bank did in one week to teach branch managers, coach their bosses and joint call on current clients in a Bootcamp style with astounding results.

Making Sense (and Dollars) with Vertical Markets

Luis Lobo, Executive Vice President of BB&T and Katie Coates of Katie Coates Consulting discuss marketing and selling to multi-cultural segments, tapping into the Hispanic market and how one bank set the course decades ago to reach them and reaching Millennials hearts and wallets.

Digital Conversations

Listen to Amber Farley, Executive Vice President of FMS Social, a division of Financial Marketing Solutions and Laura Pomerene, CFMP, First National Bank & Trust to learn how digital and social channels are impacting consumer behavior, creating more advanced targeting options for marketers, and increasing opportunities to nurture and convert leads.

How Training & Sales Leaders Must Partner to Drive Results with Sales Training

Listen to Mike Kunkle, sales transformation leader, as he discusses how to help training initiatives generate impact within your organization.

Front Office + Back Office = CEM: Expanding the Customer Experience Equation

Listen to Ron Balmer, Managing Director, Customer Experience at Greenwich Associates, as he discusses why operational (Back Office) integration is as important as front office management.

The Challenger Customer: Selling to the Hidden Influencer Who Can Multiply Your Results

Listen to Matt Dixon, Executive Director, Financial Services and Customer Contact Practices at CEB, as he discusses why today your success or failure depends on who you challenge. To win today just being a challenger isn’t enough; you need a Challenger inside the customer organization—a Mobilizer.

Selling to Couples – How to Close the Sale with Two Different Decision Makers

Have you ever worked with a couple and been close to sealing the deal, but one of them is still holding back? The old adage is true….”opposites attract.” And that means you’re likely dealing with two different decision making processes and two different money personality types. What can you do to make sure you are connecting with and meeting the needs of both people? The secret is to understand how each person makes decisions and what factors matter most to each member of the couple.

Becoming LinkedIn-Licious… The Little Things

The average high performing sales professional uses LinkedIn over two hours a day. The average banker is on about 17 minutes per month. This practical, fast-paced webinar helps financial services professionals understand the power of LinkedIn and how to use it as a value, education and net-sharing tool. Jack Hubbard, a LinkedIn Savant, outlines a disciplined approach to using LinkedIn and how to integrate this amazing resource into your daily sales DNA. If you want the latest cold call advice you won’t get it here. If you are looking to help build trust with your marketplace using LinkedIn, don’t miss this program.

What Bankers Need to Know about the New LinkedIn UX

You may have heard that LinkedIn is upgrading and revamping its widely used main Website. Some people already have access to it; if you don’t have it yet, you most definitely will in the near future. Brynne Tillman has been pouring over the new site and interface and will share all the things Bankers need to know including what’s new, what’s changed, what’s gone and/or moved to Sales Navigator and how you can take advantage of this “new” LinkedIn in your Social Selling.

Taking you where you want to go starts with a conversation…

Give me a little info and I’ll be back with you shortly.

Dana Perkins
Executive Vice-President – Sales and Consulting



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